Fifth Grade


Fifth Grade is an exciting year! The students have successfully reached the highest elementary grade level and are in the final stage of preparing for the challenges which lie ahead in middle school.

This year will challenge, excite, frustrate and enlighten your child. We will continue to push beyond simply finding answers and move more toward explaining the "Why?" behind the answer.

Responsibility and maturity will be a major point of emphasis this year. In order to thrive at the next level, students must have good work habits and a sense of independence and ownership of their education.

We will work very hard to develop those qualities in order to insure that your child's transition to middle school next year will be a smooth one.

FSA – Florida Standards Assessment:

In 5th grade, students take the FSA Reading, Math and Writing test. Here are some FSA tips to help your child do his or her best on the assessments:

  • Provide a quiet, comfortable place for studying at home.
  • Make sure that your child is always well rested on school days, especially on test days.
  • Give your child a well-rounded diet regularly. This will help ensure a healthy active mind and body.
  • Provide interesting books and magazines for your child; reading new materials helps students recognize and understand vocabulary that might appear on a test.
  • Do not become too anxious over the test; this can cause your child to become anxious, too! The best advice you can give your child (and yourself) is to “just relax and do your best!"

Upcoming Events!

Student Supply List 

Links and Websites:

Journey's Reading

Go Math!